fwd-tutorial #1: list poetry + static html

Come for the poetry, stay for the html!

You can find the code for this web-poem html tutorial here:


If you’re interested in learning more about lists as a data structure then please continue reading. This will be helpful if you plan on completing FWD-TUTORIAL #2, where we start getting into JavaScript!

The whole concept of a “list“ is fundamental to just about everything you’ll do in computer programming. Essentially, all we ever really do is store items in a list of some kind. We store data in a particular spot, and we give that spot an address so we can find it again. Sometimes we give the list an index, and it ends up working like an “array.“

the array

The array is a structure we’ll further explore in FWD-TUTORIAL #2, but we can start thinking about it now as a list. Like most lists, it’s got an index that identifies the place that each item holds. In our first html (web-poem!) tutorial, we learn about an ordered list. This is basically a list where each item is numbered. An array is also a list of numbered items, and we can put whatever data we want in there.

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